
We are not an ordinary recruitment agency. Candidates provided by us will be fully examined so that you could be sure they become an adequate support and part of your team.

We will get you a flexible support for your team

We approach recruitment in a different way as we are not a typical recruitment agency but a consulting-advisory company. We will get you an ideal candidate. We will examine them properly, not only considering their work experience but also motivation, proactive attitude, teamwork and other traits which are often disregarded by other recruitment agencies.

We watch for the potential for growth so that the novice would get better continuously, get new know-how and benefit the company. In addition, as a result of self-improvement, the satisfaction of the employee grows.
  • A temporary stand-in

    Do you suddenly lack an emloyee or need a stand-in for one on maternity leave? We are able to provide you with temporary managers and professionals who can quickly get into the project and become an executive part of it.

  • Run-up of new projects

    New projects require a whole load of people. Hence, we can support you with increasing of your capacities. We will get you specialists or managers who will get familiar fast and lead the project the correct way.

  • Huge fluctuation of people

    We have been working with great customers and their company culture for a long time. We have found out that people often burn out because of relationships with colleagues. That´s why we prepared a series of workshops focusing on self-improvement, development of teams, communication and motivation of people. The result of this is healthy and developing company culture and a profound decrease of fluctuation.

  • The team isn´t pulling together

    We have analyzed why teams do not cooperate together and suggested a few trainings and workshops that greatly enhance communication and interpersonal relationships. Alongside, the overall performance and longterm economic sustainability are increased.

  • An independent view of a specialist

    Companies often tend to face difficulties as far as the work effectivity is concerned. Generally, there is a lot to be improved in the area of process optimalisation and leading people. We will disclose the basic causes of your problems and suggest possible solutions. Then, you will choose the most appropriate solution tailored to your company by yourself.

Do you need a helping hand for your team?

Let us know and devote your time to more important things. We will manage the rest.

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