Who is an interim manager and what are his characteristics?
An interim manager is mainly a professional, a top-notch person in their branch. They are used by many companies but they do not boast about it even though they are particularly important for them. Interims work for a company for a certain time, mostly for 3 up to 6 months. Although it appears to be a short time, they mostly manage a few life-changing changes within that make the company be in the black.
How to imagine an interim manager?
The main difference from the company management is the fact that interim managers are temporary workers. Mostly, they do not work for the company for a long time, which gives them the detached view and the possibility to come with an original and innovative solution of problems. Companies do not boast about interim managers as they mostly hire them during the time of a great challenge that they cannot manage themselves. Recently, interest in interims has been growing, which can be an indicator of a hard time for business in general.
The interim manager is a professional who is often times at the level of the top management. They have gone through successful projects and have experience. Unlike classic management of the companies, they are not only focused on theory but apply their theories in practice. They are in charge of the whole chain, for instance from the analysis of the problem, suggestion of the right solution up to its implementation and following sustainable process.
When does the interim manager come?
The most frequent time companies hire interim managers are crisis or times of growth when new projects start up. This was visible during the pandemic time when at the very beginning, interest in interims fell but with increasing crisis it grew rapidly. Companies were looking for a solution of a difficult situation and their own professionals didn´t suffice. Interims have so much experience that they can perceive crisis as challenges and lead the company out of them.
The interim manager perceives challenges and is proactive
Of course that experience is essential for an interim manager. Nevertheless, Automotive Interims searches for additional characteristics within our interims. Our interims are real leaders who motivate the whole team to reaching the common goal. They bring inspiration and fresh energy but also wake up the willingness to getting better in your people. The emphasis on the improvement of the team is very important.
There is a motto to be applied – surround yourself with positive and successful people
Many problems in companies are caused by a malfunctioning team. That´s why it is so important to have an interim manager being able to disclose this and motivate individuals at first and all teams later on to pull together in the right direction. The interim brings not only valuable know-how but also motivation and becomes a significant part of the team.
The interim offers proved methods of solving problems – Best Practice. They have already tried them out in many companies and they know they work. Even though every production company is a little different, the basics are pretty similar. That´s why this experience can be applied, with tiny modifications sometimes.