Which are the most seached for interim positions in production?
Interim managers come in handy anytime when your plant goes through a crisis or finds ways to expand. In the world, demand for interim managers grows and so is the trend in the Czech Republic where companies also understood how interims could help them. They are professionals, who you can rely on in any situation. In addition, they are not only managers but also real leaders being able to give a helping hand and work themselves.
Are you still lost in what interim management actually is? Read our article about „what interim management is“ and find out all the important stuff.
Why do companies like interim managers so much?
The very reason is that interim managers bring a lot of advantages to the company. As experienced managers have gone through successful projects, they can quickly change the direction and lead the company out of a bad situation (or crisis itself). Customers as well appreciate the stability our interims can bring. Often times, a chaoticly led department suddenly works as a whole. And not only within itself but also in connection with other departments, typically production with logistics etc.
This is the result of interims being able to align managerial skills with project management. Moreover, they orient themselves really well in the particular field, so they are not surprised by details which are often invisible at first sight but cause significant problems in the end.
3 most often sought-after positions in production companies
Some positions are simply more difficult than others which is also the reason why these are often entrusted to interims. The company has either not been able to find anyone adequate for this position for a long time or people in these spots burn out fast as the job is very demanding not only professionally but also as far as the project is concerned. That´s why some companies prefer entrusting these positions to interims for the long term.
Do you know how our interim manager can help you? Discover their advantages for not only obstacles are a challenge for them.
Logistics managing clerk
Logistics is a complicated process including many problems. An inexperienced employee can get stuck pretty fast. At first sight, logistics look easy, but we know that moving material is not all it takes. The whole process of logistics in a production company is one of the most complicated and must be solved up to the very last detail, otherwise, troubles will start piling up.
❌ Material is not present at the needed time which slows down the production
❌ You have difficulties employing enough professionals for the long term
❌ The work is done by old-fashioned machinery which could be exchanged and the process of production could get much faster
❌ There is disorder and not enough space in the warehouse which slows down the production and supplies to customers
Quality Engineer
One thing a production company can´t do without is quality production. First-time quality. It is not easy to produce a thing flawlessly, the end quality does not depend only on each part of the production but also, greatly, on the experience of the Quality Engineer who can get rid of many imperfections before they occur. If you have a bad Quality Engineer, other problems usually occur.
❌ Production does not produce pieces of sufficient quality which leads to slowing down or even stopping.
❌ Exploring defects and imperfections first during production costs a lot of money, it is often possible to get rid of them metodically much earlier.
❌ This can result in not being able to meet the due dates of supplies or long-term supplying with poor-quality products which can lead to cancelling of orders.
Production manager
Managing production is often a superhuman task. Mostly, there are hundreds, sometimes even thousands of people. Only a real professional with years of experience can manage it, but there are not many of such. Effective production is as important as well-working logistics for each company. Production of insufficient products, respectively insufficient quality, endangers not only the reputation of the company but also costs money. However, even more problems can occur.
❌ Customers do not get ordered supplies of goods.
❌ With slow production the company loses money which they would otherwise get for the supplied products.
❌ Not keeping the production processes and slow implementation of innovations.
Interims bring the solution straight away
All mentioned problems can be solved. However, their solution costs time, mostly a lot of it. Should you try to find the production manager internally, it can take a few months (should you not offer better benefits and salary than your competition, you might not find them at all). Such waiting costs a lot of money, you are to pay not only for the recruitment but also lose opportunities, commissions and the production does not run as effectively as it could. Hence, the best solution is to hire an interim manager and solve your trouble right now.